June 2022
Weekend activities lend themselves to looking at old family photos. The “do you remember?” echoed amongst the gathers in the yard and led them to recall many fond memories.
For this presentation, memories: the recollection of an experience, refers to an image that may come to the minds of many actors working toward the implementation of practices that promote, protect and support breast/chestfeeding in a health care facility, for example.
In this regard, the topic at hand; infant cup feeding, could help to revive thoughts of the first time you saw an infant drink from a cup. Does the initial image come back to you in detail? Is it on-screen, in a book or a journal, in real life, at work or in a social setting? In an educational context from a professional standpoint?
For some clinicians, the idea of using a drinking cup originates from childhood memories; for others, it refers to the training received during an educational activity. This can certainly have a positive result in terms of increasing mothers’/parents’ confidence and promoting parental autonomy in feeding their newborn infant.
Guidance documents[1] are instrumental in illustrating the safe use of the cup; Including key points on human milk expression, safe preparation of infant formula as per indicated, infant readiness, how to use the cup, in respect to infant cues, to name a few. And the work environment aiming at improving practices as presented in BFHI/BFI, seems to be a favorable place for knowledge transmission.
A contributing factor for those who work with mother/parent-infant dyads, to the integration in the work team; amongst committed models who not only share their knowledge, but also further perfecting it. Helping the transmission of understanding; passing smoothly through the course of knowledge, competence, and interpersonal skill.
From there the mother/parent-infant dyad can be supported on their nursing journey.
May images[2] and memories define your journey.
Manon Campagna, IBCLC
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1] World Health Organization. (2020). Competency verification toolkit: ensuring competency of direct care providers to implement the baby-friendly hospital initiative Annex G
[2] Cup feeding. (2022, March 13). La Leche League International. https://www.llli.org/cup-feeding/ Site consulté le 27 juin 2022.
(n.d.). National Institute of Standards and Technology. https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2020/07/15/2017-lmih-bp-ojt-sodoto-method-ncrrogers.pdf
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