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Top Multi-site Health Groups Courses Pricing Services Re-accreditation and Continuing Education

Multi-site Health Groups

Multi-site health groups consist of two or more sister hospitals from the same health group, or state/provincial-wide health systems. We encourage multi-site health groups with a common goal of Baby-friendly accreditation to combine their enrollment purchase in order to take advantage of the greater discount we offer for larger orders. Each site is still able to manage a separate account with separate services (including separate reports and invoicing) if required.

This approach also ensures education consistency across each site resulting in consistency of care throughout the health group and allowing staff transfers between sites without the need to purchase additional education.


Our core courses have been designed to meet the Baby-friendly education requirements of each staff member in your organization.

22 hours
14 L CERPs, 3 E CERPs, 5 R CERPs
22 CHs and 22 CPD points

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4 hours
4 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
4 Mainpro+ Credits

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8 hours
8 CHs and 8 CPD points

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Short Presentation

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* Dependent on the number of paid enrolments


Step 2 Education pricing for multi-site health groups is based on a sliding discount scale, where a larger order attracts a greater discount. We have created this discount system to help organizations of all sizes and budgets manage the costs associated with staff education.

Quotes and invoices are available in USD, CAD, NZD or AUD.
Number of Students Breastfeeding Essentials (22 hours)
Breastfeeding Essentials for Physicians (4 hours)
Breastfeeding for Allied Health (8 hours) All Continuing Education Lectures (1-2 hours)


100% Online Courses

  • Cost effective with no setup fees or hidden charges
  • No special equipment or programs required to install or maintain
  • Flexible and accessible 24/7, 365 days a year!
  • Self-paced learning
  • Engaging content delivery for all learning types: visual, aural, physical
  • Uniform education delivered to staff for consistency of care

Online Staff Management

  • Nominate multiple education facilitators (up to 4 free per site*)
  • Independently manage staff education through the website
  • Order and purchase enrollments
  • Enroll new staff members
  • Manage staff progression

Spreadsheet Reports

  • Real time reports are downloadable 24/7, 365 days a year!
  • Access staff progress easily and accurately
  • Produce detailed or summary data required for Baby-friendly accreditation assessment

Technical Support

  • The Client Services team are on hand to assist with any questions
  • Staff can contact the Client Services team directly for assistance


  • L-CERPs and E-CERPs are awarded by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners. (CERPs are recognized as accredited continuing education credits for Quebec Nurses).
  • Contact Hours (CHs) awarded by the California Board of Registered Nursing (USA Nurses).
  • CPD points (Australian Nurses and Midwives), 1 hour accredited CE credits (Quebec Nurses).
  • AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
  • Mainpro+ Credits (Canadian Physicians)

Re-accreditation and Continuing Education

Additional education courses to assist in the maintenance of Baby-friendly status after accreditation is achieved and can also be utilized to specialize in maternity care areas.

Pricing is outlined in detail above and is dependent on the number of students enrolled, ranging from $16.25-$25.

Continuing Education Courses


MA02 Maintaining Baby-friendly Education for Nurses and Midwives, is a condensed 4-hour course for hospital and/or community-based health professionals requiring annual maintenance education. This course is also suitable for staff requiring a refresher course prior to BFI accreditation or re-accreditation, as well as new hires who have previously completed their initial BFI Education to bring them in line with other staff. The package includes a lecture by a world-renowned expert and formal course content in Theoretical and Clinical Skills that will help maintain best-practice knowledge and skills in Maternal Child Health.

View Curriculum

12-month student enrollment period.


Early supplementation of the breastfed infant with infant formula has significant effects on the recipient infant’s gut flora, can provoke sensitivity and allergy to cow’s milk protein and has been identified as an environmental triggering event in the development of diabetes in susceptible families.

In a recent survey in the United States conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 24% of hospitals supplemented more than 50% of their breastfed infants. Supplementation should be undertaken with specific therapeutic goals in mind. However, the vast majority of supplementation in the hospital is done by maternal request based on infant behavior, cultural influences, or due to clinicians’ use of formula to solve breastfeeding problems. Formula supplementation is generally associated with a shorter duration of breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding at hospital discharge is a vanishing entity.

This presentation will explore reasons for supplementation, look at true medical indications for supplementation, discuss what to supplement, when to supplement, how to deliver the supplement, how much supplement to give, and how to stem the flow of supplements in the hospital. Some hospitals have successfully helped staff reduce inappropriate supplementation by placing infant formula in a medication distribution system such as Pyxix. Others require infant formula to be logged out to help identify usage and where additional staff education and skill areas need improvement.

Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC. Marsha is a registered nurse and international board certified lactation consultant. She has been assisting breastfeeding families in hospital, clinic, and home settings since 1976. Marsha is the executive director of the National Alliance for Breastfeeding Advocacy. NABA is the US IBFAN organization that monitors the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. As such, she advocates for breastfeeding at the state and federal levels. She served as a vice president of the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) from 1990-1994 and in 1999 as president of ILCA.

She is a previous board member of the US Lactation Consultant Association, Baby Friendly USA, and the Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition. She serves as USLCA’s representative to the USDA’s Breastfeeding Promotion Consortium, NABA REAL’s representative to the US Breastfeeding Committee, Associate Editor of Clinical Lactation, and a board member of the Massachusetts Lactation Consultant Association. Marsha is an international speaker, and an author of numerous publications including ones on the hazards of infant formula use, Code issues in the US, and Breastfeeding Management for the Clinician: Using the Evidence, 4th edition.

Lecturer: Marsha Walker. 2 month student enrollment period.


The late preterm infant is defined as being born between 34 0/7 to 36 6/7 weeks gestation, while the early term infant is born between 37 0/7 - 38 6/7 weeks gestation. The advantages of breastmilk feeding for premature infants are even greater than those for term infants; however, a large body of literature in the past 15 years documents the increased risk of morbidity, mortality and long term sequalae of the late preterm infant often related to feeding problems, especially when there is inadequate support of breastfeeding. Early term infants can demonstrate some of these same characteristics, so deserve to be discussed and often managed similarly.

Dr Kathleen Marinelli is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, and a neonatologist and director of lactation Support Services at Connecticut Children's Medical Center, CT, USA. Her research interests focus on breastfeeding and the use of human milk in the neonatal intensive care unit, cup-feeding, donor milk and donor milk-banking, and the education of medical professionals.

Lecturer: Dr. Kathleen Marinelli. 2 month student enrollment period.


Pump-dependent mothers of preterm infants commonly experience insufficient production. In this lecture Dr Morton presents compelling research demonstrating the combination of two milk removal techniques: hand expression of colostrum, and hands-on pumping of mature milk, that increased mean daily milk volume to nearly 1L and maintained production at that level for at least 8 weeks despite pumping less frequently. This lecture is complete within itself, however CE38: Baby-Friendly Bedside Care for Low and High Risk Infants is supported by the application of these techniques.

Dr Jane Morton was the Director of the Breastfeeding Medicine Program at Stanford University, executive board member of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Section on Breastfeeding and Fellow of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. Her particular interest is preventing breastfeeding problems by training new mothers, their partners and their providers simple, doable but critical steps from the first day, no matter what the challenges may be.

Lecturer: Dr. Jane Morton. 2 month student enrollment period.


In this lecture Dr Morton discusses the most important actions to be implemented in the first few days following birthing that will guarantee successful, continued breastfeeding. She looks at how to apply these principles to the healthy, term baby, then how to adapt them to the special needs of the infant at risk of morbidity and re-admission to hospital. Finally, to achieve this goal, Dr Morton outlines a 5-point "Share the Care" plan that provides a proactive plan of care that will reduce the perennial staff problems of insufficient time, insufficient knowledge and skills, and lack of individual accountability that pervades many hospitals. This lecture is complete within itself, however CE37: Game-changing Research about Breast-milk Expression provides the background knowledge you will need for success.

Lecturer: Dr. Jane Morton. 2 month student enrollment period.


This lecture presents the differences between kangaroo and skin-to-skin care practices at birth and what is meant by evidence. The exhaustive evidence that is available for two Baby-friendly Steps: step 4 on skin-to-skin and step 7 on mother-infant togetherness, is explained.

Lecturer: Louise Dumas. 2 month student enrollment period.


In this presentation, participants will realize the importance of the documented risks of non-breastfeeding for both mother and baby. They will discover how to inform pregnant women and mothers on those risks. Participants will also recognize that most of the women’s difficulties with breastfeeding are often due to the non-respect of bases and criteria of Baby-Friendly Initiative (WHO/UNICEF). Dr Dumas will prompt participants’ reflection on their own practice by explaining the bases of Baby-Friendly Initiative (WHO/UNICEF) and how certain aspects of the Code (WHO/UNICEF) influence practices and services.

Lecturer: Louise Dumas. 2 month student enrollment period.

Breastfeeding Essentials is a 22 hour online course for primary carers, like nurses and direct care staff, who care for families during pregnancy, birthing and for the duration of Breastfeeding. The participant will learn how to apply each of the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, 10 Steps & International Code for the USA, and the 7-Point Plan for the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding in community settings.

The curriculum is based on the 7 competency domains established in the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative® (BFHI) implementation 2020 update.

Breastfeeding Essentials will meet your need for frontline staff education for your hospital or community Baby Friendly accreditation.

Pricing is dependent on the number of students enrolled, ranging between $65-$100. Click Here to view detailed pricing information.

12 month student enrollment period.


Breastfeeding Essentials was written by Michelle Pensa Branco, MPH IBCLC and Carole Dobrich, B.Sc, RN, IBCLC. The course has been edited by Carole Dobrich, B.Sc, RN, IBCLC, and Melanie Gingras, BScN, IBCLC. Course reviewers: Sandy Ho (Canada), Cynthia Peterson (Australia), Swati Scott (Canada).

On successful completion participants will receive a certificate with the following educational points noted:

  • 14 L CERPs, 3 E CERPs, 5 R CERPs awarded by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.
  • 22 hours pre-exam education (IBLCE) (includes required 5hrs communication)
  • 22 Contact Hours (CHs) (USA California Board of Registered Nurses)

This course can possibly be used for CPD (1 hour = 1 accredited CE credits)

Curriculum (View as PDF)

Breastfeeding Essentials for Ancillary Staff is suitable for non-clinical staff who come into contact with parents and infants, yet do not provide direct breastfeeding education or support. Example: Administration Staff, Audiologists, Photographers, Ward Assistants or Janitors/Cleaners.

This short presentation will provide the participant with an understanding of the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative® by outlining the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes and the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.

This course is free for clients who purchase additional courses.

Presentation Options

As a free course (conditions apply) there are two options for presentation to your ancillary staff:


Each staff member is enrolled individually under the organization account and assigned a username and password which is emailed to their nominated email address.

The staff member is then responsible for logging in to their student account, watching the video presentation and collecting the completion certificate. Students have 12 months to access the video and are able to be included in all organization reports.

Group Viewing

If you have a large group of ancillary staff or your ancillary staff do not have access to an email address, a link to the presentation can be supplied for your organization to host group viewings of the video presentation. Baby-friendly accreditation requires accurate records of all staff education therefore there must be a sign-in sheet kept on file for group viewings of this nature.


Author Carole Dobrich, BS, RN, IBCLC.
Reviewed by Melanie Gingras, BScN, IBCLC & Lenore Goldfarb, PhD, CCC, IBCLC.
Voiced and video presentation by Abel Algeria-Vagas, MA, JD.

Key Points
  • Outline each of the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding
  • Major points of the World Health Organization’s International Code of the Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes explained
  • Outline advantages of breastfeeding
  • Discuss support of mothers within the scope of their role
Curriculum (View as PDF)

Breastfeeding Essentials for Allied Health Professionals is an 8-hour online course that meets the educational needs of clinical staff who provide secondary or supportive care to parents and babies. A short video introduces participants to the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative followed by course modules addressing relevant Baby-friendly concepts to assist the participant in providing the appropriate level of care within the scope of their role.

Pricing is dependent on the number of students enrolled, ranging between $32.50-$50. Click Here to view detailed pricing information.

12 month student enrollment period.


Breastfeeding Essentials for Allied Health Professionals was written by Denise Fisher, AM, MMP, BN, IBCLC, edited and maintained by Carole Dobrich BS, RN, IBCLC. On successful completion participants will receive a certificate with the following educational points noted:

  • 8 Contact Hours (CHs) awarded by the California Board of Registered Nursing (USA Nurses)
  • 8 CPD points (AUS Nurses and Midwives)

Curriculum (View as PDF)

Breastfeeding Essentials for Physicians is a 4 hour online course for physicians who support and care for families during pregnancy, birthing and the duration of breastfeeding. The in-depth content is presented across ten modules and covers essential topics for providing best-practice breastfeeding and maternity care. Upon completion the participant will be well prepared for Baby-friendly accreditation.

Pricing is dependent on the number of students enrolled, ranging between $65-$100. Click Here to view detailed pricing information.

12 month student enrollment period.


Breastfeeding Essentials for Physicians was written by Dr. Anjana Srinivasan MDCM, CCFP, IBCLC. Carole Dobrich B. Sc., RN, IBCLC and Lisa Graves MD, CCFP edited the course and co-authored certain sections. Yvonne LeFort, MD FRNZCGP FCFP FABM IBCLC reviewed the course and Kathleen Marinelli MD, IBCLC, FABM, FAAP was the course development evaluator. On successful completion participants will receive a certificate with the following educational points noted:

  • 4 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
  • 4 Mainpro+ Credits (Canadian Physicians)

Curriculum (View as PDF)
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Last Updated: September 2018